Flexpower Receives Investment from NBA Star Giannis Antetekounmpo

Flexpower, known for its scent-free pain relief lotion, has secured an investment from NBA star Giannis Antetokounmpo and his family, making them part owners of the company.

Flexpower’s products have been favored by professional sports teams like the NBA, NFL, NHL, and US Olympic teams for over two decades.

antetokounmpo flexpower investment

Giannis Antetokounmpo and his family have been using Flexpower’s products for years and decided to invest in the company due to their personal experience and belief in its effectiveness. As part of the collaboration, the Antetokounmpo family will join the Flexpower board of directors and be featured in a marketing campaign for the brand.

Antetokounmpo Busy In Business

It’s been a busy few months for Giannis Antetokounmpo in the boardroom.

He’s bought a TGL golf team and became a minority owner in Nashville SC.

Giannis is leading the athlete investor movement and trying to create generational wealth for his family.

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