Sports Turf Market To Increase by $3.3B Through 2026

The sports turf market is projected to grow by approximately USD 3,284.74 million between 2022 and 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.98%, as indicated by Technavio’s latest market research.

Factors contributing to this growth include rising sports sponsorship investments, greater awareness among stadium owners about cost-effective turf maintenance, and technological advancements in artificial sports turf development.

Driving The Growth

The private sports facilities sector is expected to hold significant importance in the forecast period. This segment encompasses indoor sports complexes, golf clubs, tennis clubs, equestrian centers, and sports training facilities. These establishments prioritize investing in premium sports turf to offer optimal playing surfaces for their members or users.

Factors like the specific sport, maintenance needs, budget constraints, and user preferences play a crucial role in their choice of sports turf. Consequently, these considerations are likely to drive growth in this segment during the forecast period.

sports turf image

The rising demand for outdoor sports is a significant driver for the growth of the sports turf market. In response to water scarcity concerns, many government entities have implemented regulations on activities like landscape irrigation. This has led to heightened demand for sports turfs that require less water for maintenance.

Moreover, the increasing public enthusiasm for sports has spurred the development of various sports facilities like athletic tracks, golf courses, and stadiums for soccer and basketball. These developments further contribute to the expansion of the sports turf market during the forecast period.

Challenges in Market

Health and safety concerns related to sports turf products pose a challenge to the growth of the sports turf market.

One prominent issue is the increased risk of player injuries. The impact of sports turfs on tendons and ligaments can result in longer recovery times compared to natural grass turfs.

Additionally, there are concerns about exposure to materials used in sports turfs potentially leading to health issues such as cancer. Consequently, some governments have taken steps to ban the use of certain sports turf products. These challenges hinder the expansion of the sports turf market during the forecast period.

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