Esports Fnatic Announces Investment To Expand Web3 Apps

Fnatic, the leading esports brand in the world, announced today a strategic partnership and investment with Hivemind Capital. This investment will allow the company to increase its ability to partner and natively develop and scale Web3 apps across its award-winning esports platform.

Fnatic raised a $16M Series B in May 2022.

“We think that games are rapidly becoming platforms for their communities,” said Sam Mathews, Founder and CEO of Fnatic. “So while scaled Web3 gaming is still a while away, blockchain-enabled digital assets and applications are accelerants for games and the communities around them. The partnership with Hivemind represents a big step for us towards a world where every gamer owns their digital assets and most games have an App-store-like developer-user ecosystem that’s transparent, thriving, and enables millions more gamers to make a living from gaming.”

Fnatic is aiming to find additional Web3 opportunities that will benefit gamers and the gaming industry. There are more plans in the works.

Hivemind is joined by other Web3 companies, including GuildFi, IndiGG, and Polygon Ventures.

This investment round will help facilitate digital ownership and turnkey solutions to new games built on strong economies.

Fnatic will continue its Web3 activities, including the partnership with and game partnerships such as the Guild of Guardians collaboration.

This round also supports Fnatic’s natively developed member program with exclusive content and features, a groundbreaking initiative in sports built on blockchain technology.

“Fnatic and its global fan base represent exactly the type of Web3-ready franchise we are excited about,” said Matt Zhang, Founder and Managing Partner of Hivemind. “The iconic Fnatic brand is a pioneer in the esports space, and the management team has built a strong, technology-enabled business with a years-long track record. We believe gaming as a sector aligns uniquely with blockchain functionality and applications – making Fnatic a natural candidate for the sponsored acceleration of its Web3 efforts.”

Fnatic will be able to develop and expand its native Web3 applications, as well as other partnerships, to improve gamer performance. Fnatic’s long-standing history of pioneering esports, and driving innovation in gaming generally, makes this partnership a natural fit.

Fnatic will benefit from the support of Hivemind, which will help to build momentum for its long-term goals of scaling digital asset creation and ownership.

About Fnatic

Fnatic, a global Esports performance brand, is based in London. Fnatic is focused on elevating gamers through its digital ecosystem and physical products. Fnatic was founded in 2004 by Sam Mathews. They have won more than 200 championships in 30 different games, and are the most successful esports brands of all time. Fnatic is the brand that stands out for its performance. Fnatic is the platform through which forward-thinking brands communicate digitally with their audiences. Through its offices and facilities located in London, Berlin, and Tokyo, it delivers industry-leading content and experiences, as well as activations.

About Hivemind

Hivemind Capital Partners, a crypto-focused investing firm, focuses on blockchain technologies and crypto companies. Hivemind employs a multi-strategy converging approach to provide start-to-finish capital solutions to entrepreneurs and provides a category-leading infrastructure for institutionalizing crypto investing.

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