$3M Seed Round Raised by Geospatial Tech Company Rypplzz

Rypplzz, the developers of Interlife®, a multi-patented geo-location platform, have successfully raised $3 million in seed funding. The investment was led by sports technology investment firm KB Partners, with additional participation from Triptyq Capital.

With this funding, Rypplzz plans to scale its product and expand its team, particularly in technical roles, to meet the growing demand for its innovative technology. The company, which has raised a total of $6.8 million in capital so far, is entering a phase of commercialization following successful pilot programs, technological enhancements, and strategic alliances in the past year.

rypplzz geolocation tech

Rypplzz has attracted considerable interest from investors, partners, and customers, underscoring the value it brings to the market. The company aims to build on this momentum by expanding its capabilities and team. Rypplzz’s CEO, Josh Pendrick, emphasized the competitive nature of the technology industry and expressed confidence in the company’s ability to meet the challenges ahead.

The company’s technology has already gained traction through partnerships with notable brands and venues, including the Tucson Convention Center, Cisco Sports Media Group, SkyPath Security, Inc., and a major U.S. sports league. By transforming airspace into monetizable engagement opportunities, Rypplzz’s geolocation platform powers cutting-edge augmented reality (AR)-based fan experiences, precise wayfinding and traffic analytics, geotargeting, and tech-enabled crowd management capabilities.

Keith Bank, Founder and CEO of KB Partners, highlighted the evolving landscape of fan engagement in sports, where Rypplzz plays a pioneering role by seamlessly integrating technology into the sporting experience. Bank expressed confidence in Rypplzz’s ability to redefine the boundaries of fan engagement and set new industry standards.

Rypplzz’s technology goes beyond the traditional limitations of GPS precision, which typically ranges from 10 to 20 feet. The company has developed an algorithm that utilizes radio frequency to track devices with six-inch accuracy in three dimensions. This precision allows the programming of digital files to specific three-dimensional coordinates of airspace, enabling interaction with internet-connected devices such as phones.

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