#77: Chase Garrett – CEO, Founder Icon Source

Prior to jumping into the founder seat, Chase Garrett was a professional motocross rider, marketing manager at Red Bull, and personal agent to athletes such as Reggie Bush and Kris Bryant.

Icon Source is at the forefront of influencer marketing connecting brands with athletes in a secure & trusted marketplace to reach new opportunities.

Founded in 2018, Icon Source has continued to grow and is taking advantage of the new college NIL rules that went live in 2021.

(01:35) Background at Red Bull
(05:10) From agent to NIL company
(09:30) Scaling Icon Source
(11:35) Creating community
(14:00) State of NIL marketplaces
(16:45) Hot industries in brand marketing
(20:45) Where NCAA is headed?
(23:15) Trends to watch in sports

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