
Unicorn Town

Executive produced by Christian McCaffrey an underdog football team in a small German town attempts to keep up in a league that appears to be leaving them behind.

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  • Buzzer – notification driven mobile sports platform

  • Hyperice – recovery products

  • Pair Eyewear – customizable glasses

  • Unicorn Town – movie (executive producer)


  • Ascent Protein

  • Body Armor

  • Bose

  • Flag & Anthem

  • Gillette

  • Hulu

  • Lowe’s

  • New Era

  • Nerf


  • Nike

  • ŌURA

  • Pepsi

  • USAA

  • Verizon

  • Visa


Christian McCaffrey Foundation

The Christian McCaffrey Foundation serves as a catalyst for the community and country by supporting those who sacrifice daily for the benefit of many

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